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The UNR Pre-Vet Club is designed for students who are interested in veterinary medicine.  Club activities include guest speakers, presentations on pre-veterinary and veterinary topics, tours of veterinary facilities, animal-related volunteer activities, community service, and social club gatherings. We provide an opportunity for students to gain knowledge of the field and to develop relationships with students and professionals.




This organization should be known as the Pre-Vet Club.





Section A

Membership and Qualifications:

  • Any UNR student who is interested in pre-veterinary medicine, or animal science, and attends scheduled meetings may be a member.

Section B

Selection of Members:

  • Membership in the Pre-Veterinary Club shall not be denied with regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, socio-economic status, physical or mental impairment, or sexual orientation.

Section C

Voting Privileges:

  • Only members who have attended at least half of the scheduled meetings, have paid dues and, have attended at least one club event will be able to vote.



Officer Titles and Responsibilities


Section A

Elected Officers:

  • The President’s job is to keep the organization of the club. This includes its members, officers, events, meetings, etc. She/He is responsible for lining up speakers for each meeting or designating a chair to do so. She/He is also responsible for finalizing the meeting/club update emails that are sent to the members within one week after the meeting. She/He is responsible for creating presentations and managing the overall documents of the club. She/He is also responsible for creating the Zoom link for virtual meetings.  

  • The Vice President’s job is to fill in for the President when necessary. She/He is responsible for putting together trips and activities. The vice president is charged with the procurement of speakers and other special programming incidents for the regular general membership meetings. Additionally, the vice president is to assist the secretary with responding to emails if He/She is overwhelmed. 

  • The Treasurer controls and keeps track of club money. She/He is responsible for collecting club dues, creating a club budget plan with the consent of the President, and managing the money earned from fundraising. 

  • The Secretary keeps track of what happens at each meeting. She/He is responsible for tracking member attendance, participation, and points. Secretary appoints member points for the semester based on participation and points. She/He is also responsible for emailing/contacting members regarding meeting minutes, announcements, and reminders. Assists the President with creating Meeting Agendas. She/He is the main person to write, reads, and responds to emails about meetings and general membership. If assistance with emails is needed, the Secretary is to reach out to the vice president for help.

  • The Historian is in charge of keeping the club website updated, as well as the website on CABNR. Creating posters and flyers for an event or the club. Also, putting together the club newsletter once a semester of all the past events. Additionally, the historian is in charge of keeping the social media accounts up to date.

  • The Community Service Chair is in charge of putting together community service events that are non-animal and animal related once a month. She/He is responsible for contacting the organization and scheduling dates for members to volunteer by discussing it with the President. Additionally, the community service chair is to respond and handle all community service emails whether from members or organizations.

Section B

Standing committees:

  • Committees may be appointed as necessary – ASUN Chair, Fundraising Chair, etc.

Section C Qualifications for Holding Office:

  • Members running for an officer position must have been an “active” member for any one previous semester.

  • Members running must be enrolled as full-time students (at least 12 credits per semester) at the University of Nevada Reno. 

  • Officers can miss only 2 meetings per semester unless otherwise noted. Family illness, death, personal illness, etc. will not be counted toward the allotted 2 excused misses. 

Section D

Selection of Officers:

  • Elections will take place at the last meeting of the spring semester – only those who have earned a certain amount of “points” may run for office.

  • Officers may take over their positions directly following the elections.

  • The length of the term of office is one year unless an officer graduates before that length of time. 

Section E

Filling Vacancies:

  • The Vice President may take over for the President. The other positions of office will be filled by voting for the replacement when necessary. 

Section F

Recall of Officers:

  • Statements of conditions of removal: failure to perform duties, excessive absence, and disrespect among officers/members.

  • An officer is free to resign at any time for any reason with advanced notice, and can only be removed by a 2/3 majority vote 

  • Voting procedure for impeachment: voting by all “active” members, the majority vote rules. 

Section G


  • An advisor can be a faculty member in the Pre-Vet/Animal Science program.





Section A

Budget Planning:

  • The Treasurer and the President will plan out an elaborate budget plan for each semester, including; money for events, socials, and presentations.

  • The Treasurer will present the budget at each meeting. The approval by the E-board or active members depends on each situation. The E-Board can allocate dollars.

Section B


  • Bank arrangements are at the university with ASUN – the Treasurer and President have access. 

  • University funding will be obtained by adhering to the ASUN guidelines.

Section C Disposition of Funds in the Event of Inactivation: 

  • All proceeds will go to the organization of choice voted by the club members of that semester. 





Section A

It will be required that three of the four officers must be present, along with a minimum of ten members to be present at a given meeting.



Parliamentary Procedures


Section A

General Meetings: 

  • Will be held every other Tuesday of the week or biweekly except for special events, speakers, scheduled tours, and holidays.  

  • Meetings will start at 7 pm in FA 109 (subject to change depending on the special activity, event, and club size)

  • If there is nothing to discuss and no speakers, this time can be allocated for group study and tutoring.

Section B

Special Meetings:

  • Special meetings will be held for planned activities.

  • The President calls special meetings.

  • Members will be informed of special meetings by a notification via email or Facebook by the Secretary or President and it will be mentioned at a previous meeting.

Section C

Officer Meetings:

  • Special meetings will be held when necessary with agreement from all the officers 

  • Regular biweekly officer meetings will be held before or after the general meeting. All officers are required to attend unless of an emergency or notice beforehand

Section D

Parliamentary Authority:

  • Meeting is called to order.

  • Attendance is taken.

  • Secretary and treasurer report.

  • Old business is discussed.

  • Upcoming activities are discussed.

  • When necessary, the meeting will start with a speaker.





Section A

The President can modify the constitution with the agreement of all of the officers. The majority votes from the officer's rules. The ratified changes will take place as soon as the officers resolve.  

©2017 by UNR Pre-Vet Club. Proudly created with

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